Necessary Nuisances

It has been a long time (way too long) since I've posted. There have been some interesting developments in my life recently which have played a role in this; I'll share about them soon. I've missed this blog and this part of my life, and apologize to my faithful readers- I hope to be more present here going forward. I've been reflecting recently about the mundane things I do every day. Or to be more accurate, the things I think about doing every day, and that sometimes get done. I can usually manage (barely) to do the basics (grocery shopping, cooking, washing dishes, laundry); then there are the things that bother me every day but that I will put off for weeks or even months (vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, sweeping the kitchen floor, clearing junk off the dining room table). I like to be clean and to have food to eat (who doesn't?), but when I'm honest with myself, these chores are pretty much at the end of my priority list. If I have a choice between readi...