Notes from the (social) distance: Day 62; struggling and surviving

I haven't written in awhile. Honestly, it's been a hard stretch. I'm really struggling with the isolation and lack of physical connection with others (outside of my little family, which I am so grateful for). Some days are easier than others, but I've often been feeling depressed. It seems like I'm the only one who is feeling sad about all of this, but I think maybe others are feeling this way too? I haven't been writing much poetry either, but here is a poem I wrote at writing group last week: Broken branches Broken branches are everywhere like a hurricane has come through leaving us stranded, in our homes, the damage invisible. They say we are still connected but it’s wires and satellites. No one can touch each other. We can’t touch each other. We are birds in a clear cage flapping merrily through our days until we fly into the glass- boom. We have to grow quiet and small. I am shrinking the scope of my efforts ...