Notes from the (social) distance: Day 22, day by day

The end of week 3 of staying at home. 3 down, at least 4 more to go. Probably better to just focus on day by day, as that sounds pretty daunting. My big takeaway this week is....this is hard. Not because of anything I'm doing or not doing, but just because it is. All the positive coping strategies we use can make it a little better, but they can't make it not hard. Life is just hard sometimes. That may not sound encouraging, but for me it lessens the burden of feeling like I need to make it all better.

* We have been baking SO much! I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and a delicious pear pecan bread, Clara made amazingly delicious chocolate chip cookies, (pictured on the left), and Lucy made chocolate cupcakes with an incredible cream cheese icing.

* French braiding hair. I did Lucy's and she did mine.
* We've started working on the puzzle of the grandkids in Vermont that Papa Jack gave us a few years ago. The girls love putting themselves and their cousins together.

* Walking outside. Walks are like medicine- they make such a difference for me and my mood. I've started driving to different neighborhoods and trails, to mix things up a bit.

* Knitting. I'm making a little stuffed hippo for Matt, which is coming out really well so far. I'll post a picture of it when I'm done.


* New England weather. After a few really sunny, almost warm days, it's gone back to cold and windy, with lots of rain. It does look like there is some warmer weather coming soon.

* The marathon of this social distancing time. Working on staying healthy and hopeful, day by day. It's a lot of days and a lot of work.

The light in me honors the light in you,


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