Notes from the (social) distance: Day 7

Lucy practicing perspective.

The shortness of this post has been brought to you by….my head cold!

Our schedule seems to be holding up pretty well so far. I know I talk about that a lot, but our family really appreciates the structure. We’re not rigid about it at all (academic time started at 9:20 today), but it’s still good to know what is loosely planned. The virtual learning has been going well, though Clara’s been getting a little bored with it, so Matt and I are brainstorming other projects we can give her. Today, instead of writing about a time when she felt proud, I asked if she wanted to write a story about Taco World (she’s really into tacos) in which the tacos have to stay home because salsa river has flooded. She brightened, and then said “Mama, that’s about the coronavirus!” She’s a smart cookie. We may also try my friend’s idea, having them each research something they’re interested in and then make a PowerPoint presentation about it for the family.
Drawing class with Mo Willems

The girls seem to be adjusting pretty well and enjoy being with us.

Literally, yesterday, when we sat out on the back porch. 

Watching the “Lego Masters” reality series where people compete by building really creative lego constructions.

Glennon Melton's new book, "Untamed" which is even better than all the hype. So much deep truth and revolutionary words.

A sketch by Lucy of our front yard
Seeing the different things they make every day- paintings, drawings, crafts, etc.


Worrying about how long this is going to last, if it will affect summer plans, etc.

This head cold, which the girls are both mostly over but of course I’m not. Really hoping that it won’t be a long one.

Literally, today, which was rainy.

The (congested) light in me honors the light in you,

ps- I realized that it would be nice to get a little "ping" back, so I know that people like and are reading the blog. Since commenting on blogs can be kind of daunting, I wanted to throw out there that you could just write one word, like "like", "love", "heart", etc and your name. Sort of replicating instagram's or facebook's feedback mechanism. :)


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