Notes from the (social) distance: Day 6, with my own two hands

Clara's drawings from the Mo Willems lunchtime doodle session.
This will be a short post, as I’m in the throes of a bad cold (sore throat, achey, congested). At least this series gives me an opportunity to complain about how I’m feeling to a wider swath of people! ;)

We loosely followed our schedule yesterday, though we allowed more video game/tv time in the afternoon, since the girls and I were all feeling sick.
Really cool adventure video game- Zelda, Breath of the Wild

Seeing how great of a homeschool teacher Matt is- he’s taking the lead on guiding them through their assignments and gives them challenge math problems.

Writing a new poem and this blog – I am feeling much more empowered now that I am finding ways to reach out to others and share love and encouragement.

The homemade chicken matzah ball soup Matt made last night for dinner.

Fuzzy sheep slipper-socks from my mom.


Feeling sick, which is always hard for me. Not having mental energy for my work or writing or art.

Worried about the economy and how this is going to affect everyone, especially those who are already less well-off.

With my own two hands

My friend sent me this song yesterday. I feel like there’s a deep wisdom here, connected with what I shared yesterday. You can’t change everything, but you can do something good. Focus on what you can do, with your own two hands.

The light in me honors the light in you,


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