Notes from the (social) distance: Day 26, little things

I'm not feeling cheerful. (There, I said it.) I've been feeling sad and weighed down recently. It's the combination of having to stay home, not knowing when this will end, and so many people getting sick and dying. So I'm making space for the sadness and grief, as much as I can. And at the same time, finding joy in little things. Like the little hippo (name tbd- any suggestions?) I made for Matt. He's very soft and much loved by all of us. I'm making a smaller one for Lucy now. And painting. These bright colors are magically wonderful. And this little elephant Clara made of legos over the weekend. Also, we went geocaching for the first time this weekend, and had a few fun adventures. People hide little tupperware with treasures and a log-book inside, and then note the GPS coordinates. You then try to find the cache, and can exchange treasures and sign the log book. We found one inside a hollow log (pic...