Pencil and paper, and a bit of color

I've just finished a 6-week drawing class, and am so enjoying this new adventure. The class was based on the book, "Drawing on the right side of the brain", which is brilliant. One of the things she says is that learning to draw is not so much about getting more adept with your hands, but about learning to see differently. That was fascinating, and quite encouraging too. She says that we all have ideas about what a tree or hand or eye should look like; instead, you need to draw what you actually see- the curves, angles, and spaces. There's something spiritual about drawing, I think, how it requires you to be present and to really pay attention to what you encounter.

When I draw, I feel deep affection for what I'm drawing- it's a wonderful experience. And afterwards, I feel like I've really seen it, and know it so much better. Here are a few of my sketches.

A pile of laundry. I thought it was quite ironic to be drawing the laundry, instead of folding it.

My dad, who was gracious enough to pose while reading.

Kitchen matches- learning how to draw light and shadows.

These friends called out to me to draw them. I titled it "Come play with us!"
Of course, I can't wait until I'm ready to draw and paint in color. In the meantime, I've added some welcome color to our house.

Fabric flowers in the living room.

And some for my art table- so elegant in their vase!


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