The two gifts

I had a blast this year, making homemade Christmas presents for the girls. Seeing them have fun with the presents I made has brought me such deep joy.

The first present: transforming the end of our 2nd floor hallway into a special nook for the girls. I made window and outer curtains, sewed pillow covers and a blanket (with my Grandma' indispensable help!), and then hung a small shelf and a light.

The before shot

And afters!

And the second present: a balance beam (pictured further below). It was actually very easy to make- just a 2x4 cut into a 5 foot section and 2 9-inch sections, which I then sanded, stained and sealed, before screwing them together with 4 metal brackets.

A wonderful surprise for me was that as I worked on the presents, I realized they both have symbolic value, as they each represent a less tangible gift I hope we can give to the girls in these coming years.

L, we give you the gift of space. May you always have a peaceful, safe place where you can relax and rest from the busyness of life. And may you hold within yourself that same space, so that even during difficult times, you will experience inner patience and grace.

C, we give you the gift of balance. May you stay grounded and centered in your relationships and in the rhythms of your life. Even as life becomes turbulent or full of unexpected happenings, may you feel the firm grounding of our love for you beneath your feet.


  1. I am so moved by the gifts of space and balance you write about giving your girls. Its like I knew about both of these gifts, but I didn't get it, until I read these words. Thank you.

  2. You have so much depth of beauty and insight. What fortunate girls Lucy and Clara are to have you as their mother.


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