Notes from the (social) distance: Day 19, very, very gentle

There's a sameness to the days. Not a bad sameness, but one I'm not used to. Every day the same routine, as spring slowly drags forward. Meanwhile, my feelings rise and fall, as unpredictable as the days aren't. Yesterday was a really great day. Expressing my sadness and the things I missed felt really good, and I felt calm and cheerful all day. I went for a lovely drizzly walk in the rain, and got to knit while we all watched tv. Today, it's a bright sunny day, but I feel sad and droopy. Glennon Doyle has been talking about being very, very gentle with yourself and with others during this time. That is such a needed and welcome message for me, and I'm trying to focus on it. It's okay that this is hard. It's okay to respond however I'm responding. On a practical level, we've settled into what feels like a pretty good rhythm for our days. Definitely less structured than our initial schedule, but still with defined periods for activities: morni...